dry behind the ears — {adj. phr.}, {informal} Experienced; knowing how to do something. Usually used in the negative. * /John had just started working for the company, and was not dry behind the ears yet./ Compare: KNOW ONE S WAY AROUND. Contrast: WET BEHIND THE EARS … Dictionary of American idioms
dry behind the ears — {adj. phr.}, {informal} Experienced; knowing how to do something. Usually used in the negative. * /John had just started working for the company, and was not dry behind the ears yet./ Compare: KNOW ONE S WAY AROUND. Contrast: WET BEHIND THE EARS … Dictionary of American idioms
dry\ behind\ the\ ears — adj. phr. informal Experienced; knowing how to do something. Usually used in the negative. John had just started working for the company, and was not dry behind the ears yet. Compare: know one s way around Contrast: wet behind the ears … Словарь американских идиом
dry behind the ears — adjective Seasoned or experienced; mature, especially with respect to judgment. Why, you irreclaimable donkey, don’t you know the “notice” was an advertisement? When will you get dry behind the ears? Ant: wet behind the ears … Wiktionary
wet behind the ears — {adj. phr.}, {informal} Not experienced; not knowing how to do something; new in a job or place. * /The new student is still wet behind the ears; he has not yet learned the tricks that the boys play on each other./ Compare: DRY BEHIND THE EARS … Dictionary of American idioms
wet behind the ears — {adj. phr.}, {informal} Not experienced; not knowing how to do something; new in a job or place. * /The new student is still wet behind the ears; he has not yet learned the tricks that the boys play on each other./ Compare: DRY BEHIND THE EARS … Dictionary of American idioms
wet behind the ears — adjective Inexperienced; not seasoned; new; just beginning; immature, especially in judgment. [They would put] their hands behind their ears and pat the top of their heads to taunt me with the fact that I was still wet behind the ears and soft on … Wiktionary
wet\ behind\ the\ ears — adj. phr. informal Not experienced; not knowing how to do something; new in a job or place. The new student is still wet behind the ears; he has not yet learned the tricks that the boys play on each other. Compare: dry behind the ears … Словарь американских идиом
not dry behind the ears — phrasal : immature, naive … Useful english dictionary
dry — [drī] adj. drier, driest [ME drie < OE dryge, akin to Ger trocken, Du droog < IE * dhereugh , fast, firm, solid (< base * dher , to hold out, hold fast > FIRM1)] 1. not watery; not under water [dry land] 2. having no moisture; not wet … English World dictionary
dry — dryable, adj. dryly, adv. dryness, n. /druy/, adj., drier, driest, v., dried, drying, n., pl. drys, dries. adj … Universalium